New Features in 1.20.4 include:

  • Added sample input support for database actions.
  • Added view that shows the current status of all connector deployments for a specific connector. This shows the current version that has been deployed to every subscriber and when the connector update last propagated to that instance. Click "View Connector Deployment Statuses" on the project settings to access this view.

Bug Fixes in 1.20.4 include:

  • Fixed issue where process data inspector was performing operations for actions that were marked as SKIP.
  • Removed empty link from the top level flow view for RUN_ACTION data flows. RUN_ACTION flows do not have an endpoint URL.
  • Data flows with RUN_ACTION as the top action now correctly dsplay run statistics.
  • Fixed an issue that made it impossible to properly reparent a cloned action.

Other changes in 1.20.4 include:

  • Improved performance by ensuring that process queues do not wait for delete command.
  • Improved performance by ensuring that actions do not wait for the callback from the log upload task.